Special Collection and Archives
John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library Special Collections & Archives
The Special Collections and Archives of the John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library at Fisk University contains some of the oldest and most definitive collections of African American history and culture. Since the establishment of the University in 1866, it has been the library’s tradition to acquire materials by and about African Americans and people of the African Diaspora. Louis Shores, a noted author, and the school’s first professional librarian, came to Fisk in 1928. Shores embarked on a systematic plan to collect and preserve materials by and about African Americans and house them separately in the library. In 1929, Fisk enlisted the aid of foreign dealers to provide works for its special Negro Collection. This effort resulted in the purchase of twenty-eight pamphlets and manuscripts on the early history of black domestic servants in Europe. By fall 1930, Fisk hired black bibliophile Arthur Schomburg as curator of the collection. He was experienced and knowledgeable in the field and immediately began to build a collection, similar to his own, for Fisk. He acquired a number of unusual and retrospective works that otherwise might not have been gathered. By this time as well, Fisk, through an agreement with the Southern YMCA Graduate School in Nashville, concentrated on collecting works on blacks outside the United States and dated prior to 1865 as well as appropriate materials on blacks in this country since 1865. On the other hand, the YMCA had concentrated on collecting such works published after 1865. Thus, Fisk was able to gather materials on the Negro in the West Indies and Africa, a large pamphlet collection, and two rare and priceless volumes that were, and remain, the choice items in Fisk’s collection. These are the Lincoln Bible, presented to President Abraham Lincoln by the “loyal colored people of Baltimore” and given to Fisk by his son Robert Todd Lincoln; and a Bible especially edited for slaves, with all passages related to freedom omitted. The Slave Bible, as it has come to be known, is now perhaps one of only two or three known to be extant. As the Depression years came, Fisk was forced to scale down its activities and the library was no exception. Schomburg left before he was able to put in place his buying plan and ideas for housing the materials that he had purchased.
Arna Bontemps, writer of the Harlem Renaissance era and librarian, became head librarian in 1943. Although his budgets were never generous, he was able to build the Special Collections even more by gathering the papers of such African American luminaries as Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Langston Hughes, John Mercer Langston, Scott Joplin, and W. E. B. Du Bois, and the archives of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, including photographs of the schools that Rosenwald built for blacks in fifteen Southern states. Bontemps also brought to his staff professionals who began to process the growing collection of manuscripts and archives and to prepare finding aids for them. Increasingly, scholars began using the collections for master’s and doctoral theses, books, articles, and films.
The Archives of Fisk University was officially established in 1948 under the administration of the University’s first African American president, Charles S. Johnson. An Archives Council was formed, and Dwight H. Wilson was appointed the first University Archivist. Because of the work of the Archives Council, Fisk University became the first black institution to become a member of the Society of American Archivists.
Smith, J.C. (2009). From Andrew Carnegie to John Hope: Library Development at Fisk University. Tennessee Libraries, 59(4)
To ensure preservation of African American history and culture and our heritage as an historically black college, the Fisk University Special Collections and Archives collects, organizes, preserves, and makes available for scholarly use the official records of the university and the personal papers of individuals entrusting custody to the university.
Helpful Links
A Celebration of Fisk University Through Photographs, Programs, and Publications
HBCU Library Alliance Women of Rosenwald Digital Library of the Caribbean
The Fisk Jubilee Singers’ Travels in the Antipodes and South Asia, 1886-1890
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Special Collections Hours & Contact
By Appointment Only (Please complete the form to request an appointment) – No Exceptions
Days of Operation:
Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am-Noon
We are closed for one hour for lunch from 12:oo pm until 1:00 pm
Tuesday - Friday: 1:00-4:00 pm
Closed on holidays & during university scheduled breaks
Contact Information
Diona Layden - Special Collections Librarian
Collections A-D
Afro-American Studies and Research Program Collection
Ballantine Hall Cornerstone Collection
Bennett Hall Cornerstone Collection, 1890-1891
Bethune, Mary McLeod Collection, 1928-1943
Bontemps, Arna W. Collection, 1934-1965
Brady, St. Elmo Collection on Booker T. and Maggie Washington
Bragg, Emma L. W. Collection, 1957-1978
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Collection, 1940-1968
Brown, Dorothy L. Collection, 1957-1976
Caliver, Ambrose Collection, 1912-1938
Chase Hall Cornerstone Collection, 1897-1906
Chesnutt, Charles W. Collection (Original), 1864-1938(ACCESS RESTRICTED)
Chesnutt, Charles W. Collection (Supplement 1), 1898-1942(ACCESS RESTRICTED)
Collins, Carrie B. H. Collection, 1971-1974
Collins, Ludie D. Collection, 1911-1936 (Jubilee Singer related)
Computer Science Department, Fisk University Collection, 1979-1994
Cooke, Geoffrey Collection on Clinton B. Fisk Family, 1832-1941
Crafton, Lizzie A. Collection, 1886-1941
Cravath, Erastus M. Collection, 1873-1897 (Jubilee Singers related)
Crowley, Arthur R. Collection, 1935-1974
Cullen, Countee Collection, 1921-1952
Davis, Alice Coachman Collection, 1942-1987
Davis, Louise Collection, 1939-1959
Dawson, William L. Collection, 1938-1970
Dorsey, Thomas A. Collection, 1932-1982
Douglas, Aaron Collection (Addendum), 1937-1974
Douglas, Aaron Collection (Original), 1921-1973
Collections E-J
Fabio, Sarah Webster, 1928-1979
Fisher, Constance C. Collection, 1923-1979
Fisher, Issac Collection, 1915-1942
Fisk University Institute for Research in Black American Music Collection, 1920-1985
Garvey, Amy Memorial Collection on Marcus Garvey, 1776-1971
Handy, William C. Collection, 1900-1979
Haynes, George E. Collection, 1909-1922
Heartman, Charles F. Collection, 1791-1839
Hebb, Bobby Collection of Sheet Music
Hendrix, James Collection, 1985
Holtby, Winifred Memorial Collection, 1800-1972
James, Grace Collection, 1896-1973
Jefferson Street Photo Project Collection, 1857-1982
Jefferson, Cecile B. Collection, 1901-1970
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (1-27), 1935-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Original), 1893-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Register X), 1918-1948
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Registers A-J), 1866-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Registers K-W), 1866-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Social Center), 1858-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection (Surveys), 1928-1952
Johnson, Charles S. Collection Presidential Papers (1-34), 1866-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection Presidential Papers (1-179), 1947-1956
Johnson, Charles S. Collection, Social Science Documents
Johnson, Jay Cee (JC) Collection, 1896-1981
Johnson, James Weldon Collection, 1899-1952
Johnson, Robert B. Collection, 1944-1968
Jones, Lewis Wade Collection, 1932-1943
Jones, Thomas Elsa Collection (Original), 1926-1946
Jones, Thomas Elsa Collection (Supplement 1), 1925-1947
Joplin, Scott Collection, 1900-1951
Joyce, Donald Collection, 1982
Jubilee Singers Archives (European Tour Collection), 1873-1878
Collections K-Q
Langston, John Mercer Collection, 1846-1930
Lerner, Gerda Collection on Black Women, 1963-1977
Looby, Zephaniah Alexander Collection, 1922-1981
Love, Mabel Collection, 1935-1975
Lunceford, Jimmie Collection of Music and Memorabilia, 1934-1944
Madgett, Naomi L. Collection, 1932-1993
Manley, Effa Collection on Negro Baseball, 1938-1977
McKenzie, Fayette A. Collection (Addendum), 1905-1941
McKenzie, Fayette A. Collection (Original), 1915-1926
McKenzie, Fayette Collection (Supplement 1), 1915-1929
McKissack & McKissack Architectural and Engineering Firm Collection, 1915-1959
Merrill, James G. Collection, 1899-1919
Morrow, C. W. Collection, 1913-1915
Mound Bayou, Mississippi Collection
Myers, Henrietta C. (Mrs. James Myers) Collection, 1947-1959
Park, Robert E. Collection (Addendum), 1922-1942
Park, Robert E. Collection (Original), 1909-1946
Park, Robert E. Collection (Supplement 1), 1923-1943
Partington, Paul Collection, 1961-1969
Perring, Sir Ralph Collection, 1962-1963
Collections R-V
Rogers, Joel A. Book Collection, 1848-1977
Rogers, Joel A. Collection, 1930-1968
Rosenwald, Julius Fund Archives (1-267), 1917-1948
Rosenwald, Julius Fund Archives (268-494), 1917-1948
Shaw, Augustus F. Collection, 1925-1926
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 1), 1908-1980
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (group 2), 1958-1986
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 3), 1970-1989
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 4), 1946-1990
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 5), 1939-1994
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 6), 1958-1994
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Archives (Group 7), 1902-2003
Simms, Margaret Collection, 1950-1974
Smith, Samuel Leonard Collection, 1869-2007 (Julius Rosenwald Fund related)
Southern, Eileen Jackson Collection (Group 1), 1968-1975
Southern, Eileen Jackson Collection (Group 2), 1971-1983
Southern, Eileen Jackson Collection (Group 3), 1973-1975
Spence Family Collection, 1812-1961
Talley, Thomas W. Collection, 1891-1951
Taylor, A. A. Collection (Original), 1923-1954
Taylor, A. A. Collection (Supplement), 1864-1953
Thomas, Harold Collection, 1942-1971