Major Requirements

Chemistry Major Requirements

Requirements for the chemistry major, in addition to the University degree requirements, are:

Courses in chemistry--at least 39 credits (for the B.A. degree), or 42 to 45 (for the B.S.), including the following (with variations as authorized by the department):

Course Number Course Name
CHEM 113 & 103 General Chemistry I (and Lab)
CHEM 114 & 104 General Chemistry II (and Lab)
CHEM 233 & 203 Organic Chemistry I (and Lab)
CHEM 234 & 206 Organic Chemistry II and Organic/Analytical Chemistry Lab)
CHEM 341-342 Physical Chemistry I & II
NSCI 361 Biochemistry ( and Lab)
CHEM 470 Analytical Chemistry

The remaining hours in chemistry, sufficient to reach required total, should be chosen in consultation with the department. Qualified seniors should take the graduate Chemistry Colloquium, CHEM 501-502

Required cognates (17 cr.): 

Course Number Course Name
MATH 120 Calculus I
MATH 130 Calculus II
PHYS 130 & 130L University Physics I (and Lab)
PHYS 140 & 140L University Physics II (and Lab)

An additional 3-hour mathematics or computer science course approved by the Chemistry Discipline is required.

Mathematics Requirement
In lieu of CORE mathematics course  ), chemistry majors meet the mathematics requirement by means of the cognate coursework in mathematics described above

Other Recommendations
Chemistry majors are advised to include, among their general elective coursework, additional study in mathematics and computer science

Total hours required for graduation (B.A. and B.S.) :  121-123 cr