Biography: Leslie Collins

Leslie Collins, Ph.D.

Dr. Leslie V. Collins is an Associate Professor of psychology in the Behavioral Sciences Department at Fisk University in Nashville, TN. She is interested in using community-based research methodologies (e.g., participatory action research [PAR], community based participatory research (CBPR) and action research) and mixed method case study design to redress the effects of social inequality (e.g. racism, sexism, elitism, heterosexism, etc.) on individual and collective well-being (mental, spiritual, financial, physical, relational). Her goal is to democratize research so that persons in marginalized and disenfranchise communities may use it to advance their health and wellbeing. She volunteers with small local and national organizations who seek social change.




Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Ph.D., Community Research and Action, 2005-2012
Dissertation Title: Revealing Privilege: Examining Manifestations of Race, Class, and Gender in Health and Human Service Organizations

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
M.S., Community Research and Action, 2005-2009
Thesis Title: Examining Power in Health and Human Service Organizations

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
M.Ed., Human Development Counseling, 1992-1994

Fisk University, Nashville, TN.
B.A., Psychology and Philosophy, 1987-1991

Contact information:

Office Location: Park Johnson Hall, room 312

Office Email:

Leslie Collins, Ph.D. Research & Publications

Collins, L.V., Barnes, S.L., Heffernan, K., and Lyew, D. (2022). "Knowledge about HIV-Related Services among Young Blacks with Diverse Sexual Identities: An Intra-Racial Analysis" Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Collins, L.V., Glasgow, L., Tyra, E., Wade, S., Summerow, M. & Jones, M. N. (2021). Creating Change Agents: Teaching HBCU undergraduates to use community-based research to resist racism. Global Journal of Community Psychology, winter/spring 2021.

Barnes, S. L., Collins, L.V. (2019). I feel blacker: Applying a black feminist paradigm to an intervention program for black men who have sex with men in Tennessee. Sexuality and Culture, 23 862-881.

Thurber, A., Collins, L.V., Greer, M., McKnight, D., & Thompson, D. (2018). Resident experts: The potential of critical participatory action research to inform public housing research and practice. Action Research 0(0) 1-9.

Collins, L.V. (2015) Examining race and privilege in health and human service organizations: A case study. Issues in Race and Society: An Interdisciplinary Global Journal

Collins, L. V., & Barnes, S. L. (2014). Observing privilege: Examining manifestations of race, class, and gender in health and human service organizations. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology 6 (1), 61-83.

Collins, L. V. (2014). Examining the relationship between colorism and racial battle fatigue. In K. Varner, K. Albert, R. Mitchell & C. Allen (Eds.), Racial Battle Fatigue: Differences and Divisions in Higher Education. Lanham, MA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

Freedman, D, Bell, B., and Collins, L.V. (2011). The veggie project: A case study of a multi-component farmers’ market intervention. Journal of Primary Prevention, 32, 213-224.

Nation, M., Collins, L. V., Nixon, C., Bess, K., Rodgers, S., & Williams, N. (2010). Community-Based participatory approach to bullying prevention and school climate change: The alignment enhanced service project. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 4 (3), 197-205.

Bess, K. D., Prilleltensky, I., Perkins, D. D., & Collins, L. V. (2009). Participatory Organizational Change in Community-based Health and Human Services: From Tokenism to Political Engagement. American Journal of Community Psychology, 43, 134-148.

Evaluation and Reports

Collins, L.V. and Barnes, S.L. (2020). Evaluation Report (Year 5): The IAM Experience: A Quantitative Analysis to Understand Participant Efficacy and Attitudes About Race and Spirituality. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University and Fisk University (Evaluation Report for SAMHSA grant 26 pages)

Peters, S.R. and Collins, L.V. (2020). Community Engagement: Focus Groups on Policing and the
Kendrick Consent Decree. Nashville, TN: Fisk University (Prepared for Memphis Police Department Monitoring Team (19 pages)

Collins, L.V. and Barnes, S.L. (2020). Evaluation Report (Year 4) The IAM Experience: A Qualitative Analysis of Opinion Leaders’ Perspectives. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University and Fisk University (Evaluation Report for SAMHSA grant 28 pages)

Collins, L.V. and Barnes S.L. (2018). Evaluation Report (Years 1-3): The IAM Experience: Analyzing Processes and Outcomes in A HIV Prevention Program. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University and Fisk University (Evaluation Report for SAMSHA grant, 31 pages)

Collins, L.V. and Thurber, A. (2014). Evaluation Report: Cayce Homes: Working Neighborhood Assessment, Nashville, TN: Cayce-United (Evaluation Report, 6 pages).

Collins, L.V. (2012). Evaluation Report: Participants’ Perspectives and Outcomes in Youth Summer Enrichment Programs (THRUST, GUSTO, and PSCI), Nashville, TN: Fisk University-Physics Department (Internal Evaluation, 30 pages).

Collins, L.V. (2011). Evaluation Report: Voices from Our America: Middle Tennessee Worldviews, Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, (Internal Evaluation, 15 pages)

Leslie Collins, Ph.D. Professional Services

Fisk University
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor

Responsibilities include developing courses and syllabi maintaining and constructing course website, preparing class lectures materials, and providing consultation for small groups for group projects in each class, advising undergraduates, supervising masters’ theses, and participating on university committees.

Director of Core Curriculum
Serves as the program manager for the University's General Education program including the following responsibilities: scheduling courses, supervising and staffing courses, monitoring and evaluation.

Grants and Awards

Dubois SERVE Team NSF (collaboration with University of California Merced and Yale University)

Expanding the IAM Experience Project for the Roger Bragg Music City PrEP Clinic $120,000.000 per year for 2 years. (Funded)

IAM Experience--HIV prevention (contracted with Vanderbilt University) 5-year grant funded through Substance Abuse Mental Health Association $178,0000 per year for 4 years (funded)

Legacies of Slavery Grant: Cultural Creativity and Racial Violence and Resistance for Council on Independent Colleges for $500,000.00--Katherine Burnett- co writer. (Finalist)

Teaching Qualitative Research Methods for undergraduates for the Each One Teach One Microgrant for Fisk University for $5,000.00. (Funded)

Community work and Volunteering

Freedom Center for Social Justice (2023-present) Board member
Peoples' Coalition for Freedom and Safety (2022-present) Researcher/Consultant
Nashville Coalition for Crisis Response (2021- present) member
IAM Nashville (2016-2023) Program Evaluator/Principal Investigator

Professional Associations:
Society for Community Research and Action
Association of Black Sociologists
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
American Studies Association

Leslie Collins, Ph.D. Conference Presentations, Supervision and Committees

Leslie Collins, Ph.D. Courses

PSY 221: Introduction to Personality Psychology
PSY 231: Psychology of Women and Gender
PSY 310: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design and Research
PSY 341: Social Psychology
PSY 348: Abnormal Psychology
PSY 380R: Special Topics: Psychology of Race and Ethnicity
PSY 380Q*: Special Topics: Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
PSY 380PAR/ENG 280N*: Special topics: Participatory Based Archiving and Research
PSY 451/PSCI 340*: Independent Readings and Research Participatory Action Research for Social Justice
HSS 280: Introduction to Social Science Research Methods