Biography: Meagan Rainock
Meagan Rainock Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Sociology, Vanderbilt University
M.A. in Sociology, Vanderbilt University
M.S. in Sociology, Brigham Young University
B.S. in Sociology, Brigham Young University
Contact information:
Office Location: Park Johnson Hall, room 228
Office Phone: 615-329-8258
Office Email::
- Research & Publications
- Professional Services
- Conference Presentations, Supervision and Committees
- Courses
Meagan Rainock, Ph.D. Research & Publications
Dissertation: "Race-Gender Bias in Medicalization and Criminalization: Consequences for Mental Health Care and Criminal Justice Involvement."
Christie-Mizell, C. André, Ryan D. Talbert, Cleothia G. Frazier, Meagan Rainock, Jordan Jurinsky. 2022. “Race-Gender Variation in the Relationship Between Arrest History and Poor Health from Adolescence to Adulthood.” Journal of the National Medical Association 114(4):353-362.
Daniel Cornfield, Alexandre Frenette, and Meagan Rainock. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies and Practices in Local Arts Agencies in the United States.” Report prepared for the National Endowment for the Arts, 2022.
Cook, Mekeila, Meagan Rainock, and Breanna Thomas. 2021. “Investigating the Relationship Between Placement Instability, Mental Health, Behavioral and Justice-Related Outcomes Among Sex-Trafficked Youth.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5(s1):1-2.
Rainock, Meagan, Shinji Takagi. 2020. “The LDS Church in Contemporary Japan: Failure or Success?” Pp. 635-654 in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mormonism, edited by R. Gordon Shepherd, A. Gary Shepherd, and Ryan T. Cragun. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ward, Carol, Janie Demetropoulos, Hannah Horan, Meagan Rainock, Liberty Tatham, and Jake Wixom. 2019. “Native College Student STEM Experiences: Assessing a Mentored Research Approach.” Pp. 179-206 in On Indian Ground: The Northwest, edited by Michelle M. Jacob and Stephany RunningHawk Johnson.
Rainock, Meagan, Dallin Everett, Andrew Pack, Eric Dahlin, and Christopher A. Mattson. 2018. “The Social Impacts of Products: A Review.” Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 36(3):230-41.
Meagan Rainock, Ph.D. Professional Services
Associate Editor, Work and Occupations (2020-2022)
Associate Guest Editor, Precarious Employment and Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Mini-Conference and Special Issue of Work and Occupations (2021-2022)
Deputy Editor, Work and Occupations (current)
Meagan Rainock, Ph.D. Conference Presentations, Supervision and Committees
Most recent conference presentations:
Dathis, Rolande, Meagan Rainock, Morgan Allen, and Joanna Soderberg. "Health Care Discrepancies Across Two Zip Codes." Mid-Southern Interdisciplinary Sciences Association, 2023.
Rainock, Meagan. "Race-Gender Biases in the Criminalization and Medicalization of Mental Illness." American Sociological Association, 2023.
Rainock, Meagan and Daniel Cornfield. “Arts Organizations, Communities, and Cultural Equity: The Relationship Between Ethnic-Racial Groups and Local Arts Agencies.” American Sociological Association, 2022.
Rainock, Meagan. “The Discursive Power of Social Media: Twitter Data and Mental Health Treatment-Seeking Behavior.” Southern Sociological Society, 2021.
Cook, Mekeila, Meagan Rainock, and Breanna Thomas. “Investigating the Relationship Between Placement Instability, Mental Health, Behavioral and Justice-Related Outcomes Among Sex-Trafficked Youth.” Association of Clinical and Translational Science, 2021.
Rainock, Meagan. “Indigenous Cultural Participation and Life Satisfaction: Support for the Culture-as-Treatment Hypothesis.” American Sociological Association, 2021.
Meagan Rainock, Ph.D. Courses
SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology - 2023
HSS 280 - Social Science Research Methods - 2023